딱 하루

오늘이 내게 남은 단 하루인 것 처럼


the Happiest Moment in my Volunteer Life

eJungHyun 2012. 7. 27. 14:03

오늘부터 일주일에 2,3 회씩 영작 시~작! ㅠㅜ 

영어를 너무 안한지 오래 되었더니 기본적인 것도 잘 안되고 가물가물해서 나 스스로에게 내리는 극단의 조치!

혹시 지나다가 보시는 분은, 문법이나 표현에서 어색하거나 잘못된 부분 지적해 주시는 선처를 배풀어 주시면 감사하겠습니다!!

Have a Nice Day~!!!


Today I mentioned to my teacher, Jamie that I was in Paraguay 5 years ago. 

So I want to share you my experience there

I want to talk to you about it. I think this writing will be helpful for you before we talk. (I'm not sure if we could share some time to talk about it. )

In March
2007, I saw one poster which said New volunteers of KOICA invited to join.
KOICA stands for Korea International Cooperation Agency.

The following is
the list of the phases of the hiring process as a volunteer of KOICA.
1. an application
2. technical interview
3. general interview
4. physical examination

I was worried because I was not sure I could be a volunteer.
But I submitted an application
to KOICA along with my resume.
Before the day
the list of qualified volunteers was announced, I was so nervous.
Finally I passed all of
the phases.

While I trained to be a volunteer, I chose to go
to Paraguay.
On the 18th of July 2007 / On July 18, 2007, I went to Paraguay.
I was
a volunteer as a high school teacher.
I worked at Asuncion National High School.
taught web development skills / skills on how to make a web page for 2 years.

One day my coworker said, "Let's display and present some
of the best student's web pages when we open Academia de Informatica(Computer Science Academy)".
I was so excited. I discussed with coworker and chose some of the best outputs.

Academia de Informatica is the biggest event in the department.

But unfortunately, We didn't have much time to present best practices.

So We changed a agenda. 

That day came. I introduced about KOICA and myself. And many of the best outputs were displayed in the hallway instead.

After the event, we took a picture.

This is that picture.

That moment was
the happiest moment in my volunteer life.
