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오늘이 내게 남은 단 하루인 것 처럼


When you have children of your own, will you insist that they go to college? Why or why not?

eJungHyun 2012. 8. 8. 10:40

오늘은 주제별 글쓰기 도전.

민병철 유폰 전화영어를 하다보면, 매번 바뀌는 주제들로 영작을 할 수 있는 과제들이 있다.

물론! 자율과제라 해도 그만 안해도 그만이지만,, 

가끔 이렇게 주어지는 주제 중에서 골라서 글을 쓰면 영어가 팍팍 늘것 같은 느낌. 큭.

사진출처 : http://bit.ly/OMAz0d

Q : When you have children of your own, will you insist that they go to college? Why or why not?

A : No, I won't insist that.

In the past, The Korean War left Korea devastated. People went through a lot of hardships to overcome the tragedy of war. At that time, most of people thought that learning is most important to make their life better.
They even went so far as to force their idea on their own child.

the social system wants someone special who can be in harmony with the other social members, who have a positive mind, great conversation skill, and infinite potential. But in college, all of the students learn about competition to survive. Sometimes they might choose a bad way to win. Of course, there are wonderful opportunities in college. But if they don't have the willpower to learn more about some major they want, they don't need to go to college. This is because there are also many opportunities to develop our ability outside college.

Anyway, we should not force our ideas on other people even though they are our children.

So, I won't insist that my children go to college.
