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오늘이 내게 남은 단 하루인 것 처럼


How Smart is Smart?

eJungHyun 2010. 9. 19. 21:41


사용자 삽입 이미지


  • Original Source : NORTH STAR 4, PEARSON Longman, 70-73p

Can we measure how smart animals are?

Animals may be intelligent, but how we measure their intelligence is hard.  

Dorothy Hinshaw Patent, the author of “How Smart is Smart”, gives to us some examples for understanding easily.

Animals can do some things performed by humans. But those things are not necessarily a decision of intelligence.

For example, we read about Villa, the dog who saved a neighbor from the blizzard, beagles who sniff at luggage and signaling when they perceive drugs or illegal foods in the baggage, and Clever Hans, the horse who can solve arithmetic and identify colors. 

Though humans are impressed by these tasks, animal’s behavior may be signs of instinct or trainability, not intelligence. 

In the end, the author argues that we must develop different ideas for measuring level of intelligence to animals and we must test them depend on situations which have meaning for their lives, not just looks like how much they resemble us.

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