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오늘이 내게 남은 단 하루인 것 처럼


Extreme Perception and Animal Intelligence

eJungHyun 2010. 9. 23. 20:42

Original Source

  • NORTH STAR 4, PEARSON Longman, 77-78


Many animals have shown their human-like abilities through their behaviors. Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson, the authors of “Extreme Perception and Animal Intelligence”, provide us some cases for understanding easily. For instance, we read about the dogs that can find illegal activities by sniffing, the seizure alert dogs that predict their owner’s seizure attack and Clever Hans, the horse that can solve arithmetic and identify colors. Many people believe those animals’ behavior obtained through humans’ training. However they have instinctive extreme perception which human don’t have. After perceiving situation, then they can decide to do something about it. With those skills they can solve several problems like finding contraband and helping people who have a seizure. Some animals such as Hans and seizure alert dogs learned their skills without human’s help. In the end, for this reason, the authors reveal animals have intelligence such as human’s one; intelligence is people using their skills acquired to achieve appropriate goal.

그러고 보면 우리집 단비도 참.. 어찌나 영리한지.
주인인 우리 가족들을 척척 살펴서 분위기에 따라 행동하는 것도 다르고,
가끔은 울쩍할 때 슬쩍 와서 위로도 해주고..

잠이 들 때쯤 되면 자고 있나~ 하고 와서 빼꼼 보고 가고 하는 것 보면..
은근히 의지도 되고..

동물들이 어떨 때 보면 사람보다 낫구나 하는 생각도 든다.

물론 이런 부분은 Intelligence와는 좀 다른 부분이 되겠지만. ^^;;


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