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오늘이 내게 남은 단 하루인 것 처럼


Write about a special or unique animal that you know.

eJungHyun 2010. 9. 23. 20:50

Personal Opinion

Write about a special or unique animal that you know. Why is it a special animal?

I think animals can perceive and feel around circumstance just like humans and they really can help us to be a good mood. Two years ago I was in Paraguay and lived alone. I was so lonely and bored because I couldn’t meet anybody to converse or hang out for 3 months in summer vacation. Sometimes when I was depressed, I didn’t want to do anything. My coworker understood me, so gave me one cat named ‘Chichi’ before the next vacation. One day, I was too depressed, so I was in bed all day. Then Chichi came to me, saw me softly and carefully and rubbed herself on my body. I felt like she worried about me and comforted me. After I felt her feeling, I could stand from bad mood with her. That’s why Chichi is my special animal.

우리 단비가 들으면 서운할 이야기려나?
내가 파라과이에서 참 외로웠던 시절 내게 힘이 되어주었던..
우리 고양이 치치.
예쁜이 치치 사진을 함께 첨부해 본다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

▲ 내 품에 안겨 자다 깬 치치
